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appSettings Weld Settings

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General preference for welds are managed by the “Weld Settings” object. This is useful for turning the plotting of “Weld Id number” on/off or to edit the default values. The object is also used for editing or adding weld codes. The object is optional and can be deleted from the model.



Click “Weld Settings” to add the Weld Settings object to the model tree.

Existing data in the preference file “” and “” is used when the settings is added.

  • To Import Weld Settings from a selected previous version right-click and select “Import Weld Settings”.
  • To revert the Weld Settings right-click and select “Reset Weld Settings”.
  • To update (and overwrite) the global preference files “” and “” right-click and select “Save Weld Settings”.
    A pop-up question “Overwrite existing Weld Setting defaults?” prompts the user to confirm or cancel the save.
    (A backup copy of the app default values are saved in the files “” and “”.)


The Weld Codes and FAT Class are not modified by the “Save Weld Settings”.
They have separate save buttons, see the sections below.

Import Weld Settings

When updating/migrating from a previous version of Weld Toolkit use the “Import Weld Settings” to browse for the folder with the preference files.

The General Settings from the source folder (, are loaded to the current Weld Settings object so the changes can be inspected before using the “Save Weld Settings”.

The import of Materials, Weld Code and FAT Class will import the data from corresponding files (Materials.json, weldCodes.json, fatClassDict.json) and add only if a name is missing, i.e. not over-writing existing names.

A pop-up window will display all the identified imports with the option to confirm (OK) or abort (Cancel) the import.
The ACT Log File will list the name of all imported items.

If you have made edits of the existing codes, e.g. “Eurocode 3”, in previous version you have to apply the changes using the Weld Code Editor or in a text editor on the corresponding files.

General Settings

The General Settings defines the default values for the different features. You may always edit the properties on the individual load/result object when using them.

General Settings  
Show Geometry Yes (Default)/No Default value for Weld Group property “Show geometry”.
Show Id number Yes (Default)/No Default value for Weld Group property “Show Id number” and to plot section Id number on weld results.
Store Results At All Available Time Points (Default)/Last Time Point (i)
Post processing MAPDL license (Default) Specify custom license increment to use in post processing (ii).
Weld Configuration default path user_files (Default)/workingdir Specify Save/Import default location.
Add Weld Settings  
Weld throat elements 1/2/3 (Default)/4 Number of throat elements.
Weld Element aspect ratio 2 ((Default) Weld element length vs. throat size ratio.
Weld free end offset 0 mm (Default) End offset default value.
Weld minimum angle [deg] 0 < angle < 90 Fillet Weld minimum angle.
Weld maximum angle [deg] 90 < angle < 180 Fillet Weld maximum angle.
Weld Gap ratio 0.5 (Default) Maximum Gap size vs. Throat size.
Intermittent Weld minimum length 30 mm (Default) Minimum weld seam length.
Intermittent Weld min length factor 6 (Default) Minimum weld seam length factor of throat size.
Intermittent Weld max spacing 200 mm (Default) Maximum spacing between weld seams.
Nonlinear effects Yes/No (Default) Use plasticity models defined in the selected material.
Fillet Weld Contact Morph Morph (Default)/No Morph If “No Morph” sets the tag “FilletWeldNoMorph” on new “Add Fillet Welds”.
Butt Weld Contact Morph Morph (Default)/No Morph If “No Morph” sets the tag “ButtWeldNoMorph” on new “Add Butt Welds”.
Export Weld Group Cdb Yes/No (Default) Export a MAPDL archive file (cdb) of the “Add Welds” during solve.
Weld Strength Settings  
Default weld size 3 mm (Default) Minimum (starting) value when calculating the weld throat size.
Weld size increment 1 mm (Default) Increment value when calculating the weld throat size.
Maximum Weld size 99 mm (Default) Maximum value when calculating the weld throat size.
Calculate Time History Yes/No (Default) Sets “Calculate Time History” on new results.
Always Plot Fillet Weld Yes/No (Default) Sets graphics tag “AlwaysPlotFilletWeld” on new results.
Always Plot Weld CSYS Yes/No (Default) Sets graphics tag “AlwaysPlotWeldcsys” on new results.
Always Plot APDL CSYS Yes/No (Default) Sets graphics tag “AlwaysPlotAPDLcsys” on new results.
Plot Weld Node CSYS Yes/No (Default) Plot weld node coordinate system on evaluation (Debug feature).
Condensed Segment CSV Yes/No (Default) Write only one node per segment in the result csv file.
Print Group average in Weld Report Yes/No (Default) Write group average as section Id = 0 in the weld report.
Weld Force Extraction Contact Element (Default)/Underlying Element (iii)
Weld Fatigue Settings  
Default Load Type Fully Reversed (Default) Load Type for new results.
Default Cycles per block 1 (Default) Cycles per block for new results.
Automatic Weld Fatigue Legend Yes (Default)/No
Signed stress range Yes/No (Default) If “Yes” the sign of the stress is kept for “Zero based”, “Fully Reversed” and “Ratio” load cases.
CSV - FAT Class IIW FAT160 steel (Default) FAT Class name for new results.
Linearized - FAT Class IIW FAT160 steel (Default) FAT Class name for new results.
Linearized - Stress Type Linearized Absolute Principal Stress (Default) Stress Type for new results.
Linearized - Stress Item Membrane+Bending (Default) Stress Item for new results.
Linearized - Always plot path Yes (Default)/No Display path vectors on solved results.
Structural - FAT Class FAT Class name for new results.
Structural - Stress Type Sstruct (Default) Stress Type for new results.
Structural - Result averaging Local (Default)/Section average stress.
Nominal - FAT Class IIW FAT160 steel (Default) FAT Class name for new results.
Nominal - Stress Type Normal (Default) Stress Type for new results.
Nominal - Always plot stress axis Yes (Default)/No Display stress axis on solved results.
Hot-Spot - FAT Class IIW FAT90 steel (Default) FAT Class name for new results.
Hot-Spot - Stress Type Normal (Default)/Principal/Equivalent Stress Type for new results.
Hot-Spot - Extrapolation Type Constant/Linear (Default)/Quadratic Extrapolation Type for new results.
Hot-Spot - Default thickness 0 mm (Default) Material thickness for new results.
Hot-Spot - Extrapolation Constant [1.0] (Default) List of extrapolation factor, a, for Constant.
Hot-Spot - Extrapolation Linear [0.4,1.0] (Default) List of extrapolation factors, a & b, for Linear.
Hot-Spot - Extrapolation Quadratic [0.4,0.9,1.4] (Default) List of extrapolation factors, a & b & c, for Quadratic.
Hot-Spot - Project lines on geometry Yes (Default)/No Project Hot-Spot lines on geometry. Graphics feature, does not influence results.
Hot-Spot - Always plot lines Yes (Default)/No Plot Hot-Spot extrapolation lines on solved results.
Hot-Spot - Plot nodes (Debug) Yes/No (Default) Plot Hot-Spot nodes and extrapolation lines on evaluation (Debug feature).
Effective Notch - FAT Class IIW FAT225 R1 steel (Default) FAT Class name for new results.
Effective Notch - Stress Type Tangential (IIW default)/Principal/Equivalent Stress Type for new results.
Effective Notch - Plot Notch Vectors Yes/No (Default) Plot Notch stress vectors on evaluation (Debug feature).
Weld Code Editor  
Edit Weld Code No (Default)/New/Eurocode 3/AISC 360-16 (iv)
FAT Class Editor  
Edit FAT Class No (Default)/Yes

(i) Store Results At

If the Analysis Setting/Output Controls is “Store Results At = All Time Points” and the result file contains many sub steps this setting can limit post processing to “Last Time Point” for each load step to speed up post processing time in the following cases:

  • Weld Strength results when using “By = Maximum Over Time” or if “Calculate Time History = Yes”.
  • Weld Fatigue results when using “Load Type = Load Scanning”.

If the Analysis Setting/Output Controls is “Store Results At = Last Time Point” then this setting does not influence the post processing time.
It is possible to change the property back to “All Available Time Points” to post process at a specific sub step or time point within a load step without clearing the solution given that the solution was solved with “All Time Points”.

(ii) Post processing MAPDL license

Default,Mechanical Pro,Mechanical Premium,Mechanical Enterprise,Mechanical Enterprise PrepPost,Mechanical Enterprise Solver

(iii) Weld Force Extraction

Weld Strength force extraction can now use Formulation = “MPC” for bonded contacts if Weld Force Extraction = “Underlying Element”. See Bonded contact vs. multi-body for more information.

(iv) Edit Weld Code

When selecting “New” an empty set of properties are displayed.
When selecting an existing code the corresponding properties are loaded.

Weld Code Editor

The Weld Code Editor is used to modify an existing code or to create a new. E.g. add more material grades or adjust an evaluation criteria.

The interface loads data from the file “”. New and modified codes are saved in a separate file, “WeldStrength.json” in the app installation folder. This file is loaded and replaces the app original data when post processing.

To revert to the app original data the file “WeldStrength.json” can be deleted. When migrating to a new version of Weld Toolkit the files can be copied to the new app installation folder.

Weld Code Editor Description
Edit Weld Code “Selected code”
New Weld Code Name Rename or delete the selected code (i)
Save Weld Code Apply/Cancel Click to save/update (or cancel)
Material grade Tabular Data editor for Fy, Fu, alfaw, betaw, gammaM2 and gammaL.
Design stress  
Equivalent Stress, weldSeqv Expression weldSeqv. Function of any Weld Section Parameter.
Stress Type Absolute Stress (Default)/Positive Stress Set if evaluation should use “Absolute” or “Positive” stress.
Stress Type, Read Only Yes (Default)/No Set if Stress Type should be marked as “Read Only”
Floating Factor Floating average length factor.
Design Resistance  
Equivalent Stress, FuSeqv Expression FuSeqv. Function of any design resistance parameter.
Normal Stress, FuSn Expression FuSn. Function of any design resistance parameter.
Parallel Stress, FuSp Expression FuSp. Function of any design resistance parameter.
Normal Shear Stress, FuTn Expression FuTn. Function of any design resistance parameter.
Parallel Shear Stress, FuTp Expression FuTp. Function of any design resistance parameter.
Total Shear Stress, FuTt Expression FuTt. Function of any design resistance parameter.
Bending Stress, FuSb Expression FuSb. Function of any design resistance parameter.
Structural Stress, FuSs Expression FuSs. Function of any design resistance parameter.
Total Normal Stress, FuSt Expression FuSt. Function of any design resistance parameter.

(i) New Code Name

If using the same name the code is updated.
If naming “delete”, “del”, “clear” or “remove” the selected code is deleted.

Material grade

The material tabular editor loads the available Material Grades from the selected code.
The following restrictions apply:

  • Fy >= 0 Default = 0.0 (Optional)
  • Fu > 0
  • alfaw > 0 Default = 0.6
  • betaw > 0 Default = 1.0
  • gammaM2 > 0 Default = 1.0
  • gammaL >= 0 Default = 0.0 (Optional)
    If gammaL > 0 it sets the result Scale Factor Value.


Weld Section parameters

Parameter Description
Sn Normal stress perpendicular (normal) to weld section.
Tn Shear stress (in plane to weld section) perpendicular (normal) to weld axis.
Tp Shear stress (in plane to weld section) parallel to weld axis.
Tt Total shear stress, Tt = sqrt(Tn^2+Tp^2).
Sp Normal stress parallel to weld section (“stretching” the weld).
Sb Bending stress, Sb = MY/W, MY: Local weld bending moment, W = L*a^2/6 (L: local weld length, a: throat thickness in weld section).
Ss Maximum Structural stress Ss = abs(Sn) + abs(Sb) (If stressType = ‘Positive Stress’; Ss = Sn + abs(Sb)).
St Total normal stress, St = sqrt(Sn^2+Tn^2).
phi Angle between weld reaction force and weld axis in radians.

Design Resistance parameters

Parameter Description
Fy Weld yield strength
Fu Weld ultimate strength
alfaw Shear strength factor
betaw Correlation factor
gammaM2 Safety factor (strength)
phi Load angle relative to weld axis

FAT Class Editor

The FAT Class Editor is used to modify or add new FAT class S-N data.

The interface loads data from the file “”. The modified data is saved in a separate file, “fatClassDict.json”, in the app installation folder. This file is loaded and replaces the app original data when postprocessing.

To revert to the app original data the file “fatClassDict.json” can be deleted. When migrating to a new version of Weld Toolkit the file can be copied to the new app installation folder.

FAT Class Editor Description
Edit FAT Class No (Default)/Yes
Save FAT Class Apply/Cancel Click to save (or cancel)
FAT Class List Tabular Editor

The following restrictions apply:

  • FAT > 0
  • 0 <= N0 < Nfat < Nc < Ncutoff If N0 = 0 then m0 is ignored.
  • 0 < m0, 0 < m1, 0 < m2

