Save Weld Configuration
Click “Save Weld Configuration” to save all or selected Add Fillet Welds, Add Butt Welds and Weld Result objects from the active analysis to a “json” file (“WeldToolkit.json”) in the solution folder subfolder “WeldToolkit”, see example below.
If the file exists a “Save as” window is opened to select new file name and location to save the file.
The exported objects are listed in the ACT log window as a confirmation.
Starting in 2025 R1 the weld configuration for Fillet and Butt welds are saved automatically when solving an analysis in the Weld Configuration default path as “Analysis_Name_(SYS).json”.
The configuration file can then be imported in a downstream model assembly and updated if needed, see Group property Weld Configuration Source.
Import Weld Configuration
Click “Import Weld Configuration” to imports all Add Fillet Welds, Add Butt Welds and Weld Result objects in the active analysis from a selected “json” file using file browsing window.
The current solution folder subfolder “WeldToolkit” is the default folder.
If an object with the same name already exists in the tree the import of that object is skipped.
Refresh Weld Configuration
Click “Refresh weld Configuration” to update all Fillet and Butt weld groups in the selected Analysis that has a Weld Configuration Source defined.
Mechanical Scripting
Starting in 2025 R1 the “Save” and “Import” can be used in Mechanical Scripting to automate the workflow for model and result setup. A sample script to export from one analysis and import in the next is shown below.
The template file below can be copied by clicking in the upper right corner of the code window.
import os, json
# Get the app script API
WeldToolkit = [i for i in ExtAPI.ExtensionManager.Extensions if 'Weld Toolkit' in i.Name][0].ScriptScope
# Save all defined welds and results from the selected Analysis object to a dictionary
Analysis0 = Model.Analyses[0] # First analysis in the model tree
interactive = False # Must be False to run in script mode
saveLoad = True # If True all defined weld objects are exported
saveResult = True # If True all defined weld result objects are exported
WeldToolkitDict = WeldToolkit.saveWeldConf(Analysis0, interactive, saveLoad, saveResult)
# Save to json (optional)
workingDir = Analysis0.WorkingDir
fileName = os.path.join(workingDir,'WeldToolkit','WeldToolkit.json')
with open(fileName,'w') as fs:
# Import welds and results from a dictionary to the selected Analysis
Analysis1 = Model.Analyses[1] # Second analysis in the model tree
addLoad = True # If True all defined weld objects are imported
addResult = True # If True all defined weld result objects are imported
# Import from json (Not needed if "WeldToolkitDict" already exists in memory)
with open(fileName,'r') as fs:
WeldToolkitDict = json.load(fs)
WeldToolkit.importWeldConf(Analysis1, WeldToolkitDict, addLoad, addResult)
Weld Configuration File Syntax
The file format is based on “json”, a modern object-oriented syntax that can be edited using a modern text editor (e.g. Visual Studio Code) and easily imported in e.g. Python.
The created file may be used as a template for automation tasks, i.e. to create the file with an external tool or Ansys Wizard and then use “Import Weld Strength Configuration” to create the objects in the file.
Use “Named Selections” in the scooping to make the configuration file more generic in case replacing the geometry.
- The syntax follows the underlying structure of ACT and how the properties are accessed by the app using the exact same property names and structure.
- The text file is grouped by “Load Objects” such as “Fillet Welds Group” and their “Children” and “Result Objects” such as the “Fillet Weld Strength” etc.
- For each type there are several parameters that can be defined. If a parameter is omitted the default value will be used.
- Geometry is defined either by a list of “Ids”, e.g. “[1842, 1846, 1838, 1850]” or an existing “Named Selection” name, e.g. “Weld_A_section”.
- Material is defined by an existing material name in the current analysis or one of the default materials name.
- Property values are defined with a unit string when needed. Decimal point must be used.
- Properties that use a “selection” menu is defined with the default “Value”. The valid (static) options is defined in the “Options” list.
The template file below can be copied by clicking in the upper right corner of the code window.
// WeldToolkit_2025R1_Template.json
"LoadObjects": [
{"Name": "childSetup",
"Caption": "Weld Child Setup",
"Suppressed": false,
"Tags": [],
"Callbacks": ["importParentResults(load)", "addWeldStrengthResult(load)"],
"parentAnalysis": {"Value": "", "Callbacks": ["validateParentAnalysis(load,prop)"]},
"showGeometry": {"Value": "Yes", "Options": ["Yes", "No"], "Callbacks": ["validateGroupSettings(result,prop)"]}
{"Name": "filletWeldGroup",
"Caption": "Fillet Welds Group",
"Tags": [],
"Callbacks": ["createWeldConnections(load)", "createVirtualWeld(load)", "updateGroupFromSource(load)", "addWeldStrengthResult(load)", "exportWeldConnectionGroup(load)", "resetConfigurationFile(load)"],
"showGeometry": {"Value": "Yes", "Options": ["Yes", "No"], "Callbacks": ["validateGroupSettings(load,prop)"]},
"showResultGeometry": {"Value": "Yes", "Options": ["Yes", "No"]},
"showWeldId": {"Value": "Yes", "Options": ["Yes", "No"], "Callbacks": ["validateGroupSettings(load,prop)"]},
"showWeldCsys": {"Value": "Yes", "Options": ["Yes", "No"], "Callbacks": ["validateGroupSettings(load,prop)"]},
"weldConfigFile": {"Value": "None", "Callbacks": ["validateFileName(load,prop)"]},
"Children": [
{"Name": "filletWelds",
"Caption": "Fillet Welds",
"Suppressed": false,
"Tags": [],
"Callbacks": ["exportMaterial(load)", "promoteNamedSelection(load)", "addWeldStrengthResult(load)"],
"section": {
"DefineBy": {"Value": "Geometry Selection", "Options": ["Geometry Selection", "Named Selection"]},
"Value": {
"SelectionType": "GeometryEntities",
"Ids": [],
"Name": "",
"Callbacks": ["validateSection(load,prop)"]
"geometry": {
"DefineBy": {"Value": "Geometry Selection", "Options": ["Geometry Selection", "Named Selection"]},
"Value": {
"SelectionType": "GeometryEntities",
"Ids": [],
"Name": "",
"Callbacks": ["validateGeometry(load,prop)"]
"weldGeometry": {
"type": {
"Value": "Single sided",
"Options": ["Single sided", "Single sided intermittent"],
"Callbacks": ["validateNumWelds(load,prop)"],
"minThick": {"Value": 3.0, "UnitString": "mm", "Callbacks": ["validateThickness(load,prop)"]},
"endOffset": {"Value": 0.0, "UnitString": "mm", "Callbacks": ["validateEndOffset(load,prop)"]},
"intermittent": {"Value": 0.5, "Callbacks": ["validateIntermittent(load,prop)"]},
"numWelds": {"Value": 0, "Callbacks": ["validateNumWelds(load,prop)"]},
"Lweld": {"Value": 0.0, "UnitString": "mm", "Callbacks": ["validateLweld(load,prop)"]},
"Lspace": {"Value": 0.0, "UnitString": "mm", "Callbacks": ["validateLspace(load,prop)"]}
"material": {"Value": ""},
"advancedOptions": {
"Value": "No",
"Options": ["Yes", "No"],
"nonlinear": {"Value": "No", "Options": ["No", "Yes"], "Callbacks": ["validateNonlinear(object,prop)"]},
"elementOrder": {"Value": "Linear", "Options": ["Linear", "Quadratic"]},
"elnum": {"Value": "3", "Options": ["1", "2", "3", "4"]},
"minWeldAngle": {"Value": 0.0, "UnitString": "deg", "Callbacks": ["validateAngle(load,prop)"]},
"maxWeldAngle": {"Value": 0.0, "UnitString": "deg", "Callbacks": ["validateAngle(load,prop)"]},
"aspectRatio": {"Value": 2.0},
"weldContactMorph": {"Value": "Yes", "Options": ["Yes", "No"]},
"exportWeldLine": {"Value": "None", "Options": ["None", "SCDM Point curve (text)", "DM 3D curve (text)"]}
{"Name": "virtualFilletWelds",
"Caption": "Virtual Fillet Welds",
"Suppressed": false,
"Tags": [],
"Callbacks": ["promoteNamedSelection(load)", "addWeldStrengthResult(load)"],
"section": {
"DefineBy": {"Value": "Geometry Selection", "Options": ["Geometry Selection", "Named Selection"]},
"Value": {
"SelectionType": "GeometryEntities",
"Ids": [],
"Name": "",
"Callbacks": ["validateSection(load,prop)"]
"geometry": {
"DefineBy": {"Value": "Geometry Selection", "Options": ["Geometry Selection", "Named Selection"]},
"Value": {
"SelectionType": "GeometryEntities",
"Ids": [],
"Name": "",
"Callbacks": ["validateGeometry(load,prop)"]
"weldGeometry": {
"geometrySelect": {
"Value": "Manual select (no weld)",
"Options": ["Manual select (no weld)", "Manual select weld part"],
"Callbacks": ["validateGeometrySelect(object,prop)"]
"type": {
"Value": "Single sided",
"Options": ["Single sided", "Double sided", "Single sided intermittent", "Double sided intermittent"],
"Callbacks": ["validateWeldSide(object,prop)"],
"weldSide": {"Value": "Top", "Options": ["Top", "Bottom"], "Callbacks": ["validateWeldSide(object,prop)"]},
"minThick": {"Value": 3.0, "UnitString": "mm", "Callbacks": ["validateThickness(object,prop)"]},
"endOffset": {"Value": 0.0, "UnitString": "mm", "Callbacks": ["validateEndOffset(object,prop)"]},
"intermittent": {"Value": 0.5, "Callbacks": ["validateIntermittent(load,prop)"]},
{"Name": "buttWeldGroup",
"Caption": "Butt Welds Group",
"Tags": [],
"Callbacks": ["createWeldConnections(load)", "createVirtualWeld(load)", "updateGroupFromSource(load)", "addWeldStrengthResult(load)", "exportWeldConnectionGroup(load)", "resetConfigurationFile(load)"],
"showGeometry": {"Value": "Yes", "Options": ["Yes", "No"], "Callbacks": ["validateGroupSettings(load,prop)"]},
"showResultGeometry": {"Value": "Yes", "Options": ["Yes", "No"]},
"showWeldId": {"Value": "Yes", "Options": ["Yes", "No"], "Callbacks": ["validateGroupSettings(load,prop)"]},
"showWeldCsys": {"Value": "Yes", "Options": ["Yes", "No"], "Callbacks": ["validateGroupSettings(load,prop)"]},
"weldConfigFile": {"Value": "None", "Callbacks": ["validateFileName(load,prop)"]},
"Children": [
{"Name": "buttWelds",
"Caption": "Butt Welds",
"Suppressed": false,
"Tags": [],
"Callbacks": ["exportMaterial(load)", "promoteNamedSelection(load)", "addWeldStrengthResult(load)"],
"section": {
"DefineBy": {"Value": "Geometry Selection", "Options": ["Geometry Selection", "Named Selection"]},
"Value": {
"SelectionType": "GeometryEntities",
"Ids": [],
"Name": "",
"Callbacks": ["validateSection(load,prop)"]
"geometry": {
"DefineBy": {"Value": "Geometry Selection", "Options": ["Geometry Selection", "Named Selection"]},
"Value": {
"SelectionType": "GeometryEntities",
"Ids": [],
"Name": "",
"Callbacks": ["validateGeometry(load,prop)"]
"weldGeometry": {
"type": {
"Value": "V-Butt Weld",
"Options": ["V-Butt Weld", "Bevel Butt Weld", "V-Butt intermittent", "Bevel Butt intermittent"],
"Callbacks": ["validateNumWelds(load,prop)"],
"minThick": {"Value": 3.0, "UnitString": "mm", "Callbacks": ["validateThickness(load,prop)"]},
"endOffset": {"Value": 0.0, "UnitString": "mm", "Callbacks": ["validateEndOffset(load,prop)"]},
"intermittent": {"Value": 0.5, "Callbacks": ["validateIntermittent(load,prop)"]},
"numWelds": {"Value": 0, "Callbacks": ["validateNumWelds(load,prop)"]},
"Lweld": {"Value": 0.0, "UnitString": "mm", "Callbacks": ["validateLweld(load,prop)"]},
"Lspace": {"Value": 0.0, "UnitString": "mm", "Callbacks": ["validateLspace(load,prop)"]}
"material": {"Value": ""},
"advancedOptions": {
"Value": "No",
"Options": ["Yes", "No"],
"nonlinear": {"Value": "No", "Options": ["No", "Yes"], "Callbacks": ["validateNonlinear(object,prop)"]},
"elementOrder": {"Value": "Linear", "Options": ["Linear", "Quadratic"]},
"elnum": {"Value": "3", "Options": ["1", "2", "3", "4"]},
"minWeldAngle": {"Value": 0.0, "UnitString": "deg", "Callbacks": ["validateAngle(load,prop)"]},
"maxWeldAngle": {"Value": 0.0, "UnitString": "deg", "Callbacks": ["validateAngle(load,prop)"]},
"aspectRatio": {"Value": 2.0},
"weldContactMorph": {"Value": "Yes", "Options": ["Yes", "No"]},
"exportWeldLine": {"Value": "None", "Options": ["None", "SCDM Point curve (text)", "DM 3D curve (text)"]}
{"Name": "virtualButtWelds",
"Caption": "Virtual Butt Welds",
"Suppressed": false,
"Tags": [],
"Callbacks": ["promoteNamedSelection(load)", "addWeldStrengthResult(load)"],
"section": {
"DefineBy": {"Value": "Geometry Selection", "Options": ["Geometry Selection", "Named Selection"]},
"Value": {
"SelectionType": "GeometryEntities",
"Ids": [],
"Name": "",
"Callbacks": ["validateSection(load,prop)"]
"geometry": {
"DefineBy": {"Value": "Geometry Selection", "Options": ["Geometry Selection", "Named Selection"]},
"Value": {
"SelectionType": "GeometryEntities",
"Ids": [],
"Name": "",
"Callbacks": ["validateGeometry(load,prop)"]
"weldGeometry": {
"type": {
"Value": "Butt weld",
"Options": ["Butt weld", "Butt weld intermittent", "Butt weld Double sided", "Butt weld Double sided intermittent"],
"Callbacks": ["validateWeldSide(object,prop)"],
"weldSide": {"Value": "Top", "Options": ["Top", "Bottom"], "Callbacks": ["validateWeldSide(object,prop)"]},
"minThick": {"Value": 3.0, "UnitString": "mm", "Callbacks": ["validateThickness(object,prop)"]},
"endOffset": {"Value": 0.0, "UnitString": "mm", "Callbacks": ["validateEndOffset(object,prop)"]},
"intermittent": {"Value": 0.5, "Callbacks": ["validateIntermittent(load,prop)"]},
"ResultObjects": [
{"Name": "filletWeldStrength",
"Caption": "Fillet Weld Strength",
"Suppressed": false,
"Tags": [],
"Children": [],
"Group": "",
"section": {
"DefineBy": {"Value": "Geometry Selection", "Options": ["Geometry Selection", "Named Selection"]},
"Value": {
"SelectionType": "GeometryEntities",
"Ids": [],
"Name": "",
"Callbacks": ["validateSection(result,prop)"]
"geometry": {
"DefineBy": {"Value": "Geometry Selection", "Options": ["Geometry Selection", "Named Selection"]},
"Value": {
"SelectionType": "GeometryEntities",
"Ids": [],
"Name": "",
"Callbacks": ["validateGeometry(result,prop)"]
"weldGeometry": {
"geometrySelect": {"Value": "Manual select", "Callbacks": ["validateGeometrySelect(result,prop)"]},
"type": {
"Value": "Single sided",
"Options": ["Single sided", "Double sided", "Single sided intermittent", "Double sided intermittent"],
"Callbacks": ["validateWeldType(result,prop)"],
"weldSide": {"Value": "Top", "Options": ["Top", "Bottom", "Top/Bottom"], "Callbacks": ["validateWeldSide(result,prop)"]},
"minThick": {"Value": 3.0, "UnitString": "mm", "Callbacks": ["validateMinThickness(result,prop)"]},
"calcThick": {"Value": "No", "Options": ["Yes", "No"], "Callbacks": ["validateCalcThick(result,prop)"]},
"endOffset": {"Value": 0.0, "UnitString": "mm", "Callbacks": ["validateEndOffset(result,prop)"]},
"intermittent": {"Value": 0.5, "Callbacks": ["validateIntermittent(result,prop)"]}
"weldMaterial": {
"weldCode": {
"Value": "Eurocode 3",
"Callbacks": ["validateWeldCode(result,prop)"],
"steelGrade": {"Value": "S235", "Callbacks": ["validateSteelGrade(result,prop)"]}
"alfaw": {"Value": 0.6},
"betaw": {"Value": 0.8},
"gammaM2": {"Value": 1.25},
"weldStrength": {"Value": 360.0, "UnitString": "MPa"}
"weldResult": {
"weldResult": {
"Value": "Wuf",
"Options": ["Section Length (Y)", "Min thickness", "Wuf", "Seqv", "Snormal", "Tparallel", "Tnormal", "Ttotal", "Sparallel", "Sbending", "Sstruct", "Stotal", "Bending ratio", "FX (radial)", "FY (parallel)", "FZ (axial)", "Fsum", "MY (parallel)", "MYutil", "Force angle", "Weld angle"],
"Callbacks": ["validateResult(result,prop)"]
"weldAverage": {
"Value": "Floating",
"Options": ["Floating", "Segment", "Section (Linear)", "Section (Constant)", "Group"],
"Callbacks": ["validateWeldAverage(result,prop)"],
"floatingFact": {"Value": 0.0},
"segmentLength": {"Value": 0.0, "UnitString": "mm", "Callbacks": ["validateSegmentLength(result,prop)"]}
"resultLocation": {
"Value": "Throat (Avg)",
"Options": ["Throat (Avg)", "Throat (Max)", "Throat (Face)", "Throat (Mid)", "Throat (Root)", "Leg0 (Avg)", "Leg0 (Max)", "Leg0 (Toe)", "Leg0 (Mid)", "Leg0 (Root)", "Leg1 (Avg)", "Leg1 (Max)", "Leg1 (Toe)", "Leg1 (Mid)", "Leg1 (Root)"],
"Callbacks": ["validateResultLocation(result,prop)"]
"stressType": {"Value": "Absolute Stress", "Options": ["Absolute Stress", "Positive Stress"]},
"timeHist": {"Value": "No", "Options": ["Yes", "No"], "Callbacks": ["setTimeHist(result,prop)"]},
"displayGraph": {"Value": "No", "Options": ["Yes", "No"], "Callbacks": ["validateGraph(result,prop)"]},
"scaleFactor": {"Value": 1.0}
{"Name": "filletWeldStrengthElem",
"Caption": "Fillet Weld Strength Shell",
"Suppressed": false,
"Tags": [],
"Children": [],
"Group": "",
"geometry": {
"DefineBy": {"Value": "Geometry Selection", "Options": ["Geometry Selection", "Named Selection"]},
"Value": {
"SelectionType": "GeometryEntities",
"Ids": [],
"Name": "",
"Callbacks": ["validateGeometry(result,prop)"]
"section": {
"DefineBy": {"Value": "Geometry Selection", "Options": ["Geometry Selection", "Named Selection"]},
"Value": {
"SelectionType": "GeometryEntities",
"Ids": [],
"Name": "",
"Callbacks": ["validateSection(result,prop)"]
"weldGeometry": {
"type": {
"Value": "Single sided",
"Options": ["Single sided", "Double sided", "Single sided intermittent", "Double sided intermittent"],
"Callbacks": ["validateWeldType(result,prop)"],
"weldSide": {"Value": "Top", "Options": ["Top", "Bottom", "Top/Bottom"], "Callbacks": ["validateWeldSide(result,prop)"]},
"minThick": {"Value": 3.0, "UnitString": "mm", "Callbacks": ["validateMinThickness(result,prop)"]},
"calcThick": {"Value": "No", "Options": ["Yes", "No"], "Callbacks": ["validateCalcThick(result,prop)"]},
"intermittent": {"Value": 0.5, "Callbacks": ["validateIntermittent(result,prop)"]}
"weldMaterial": {
"weldCode": {
"Value": "Eurocode 3",
"Callbacks": ["validateWeldCode(result,prop)"],
"steelGrade": {"Value": "S235", "Callbacks": ["validateSteelGrade(result,prop)"]}
"alfaw": {"Value": 0.6},
"betaw": {"Value": 0.8},
"gammaM2": {"Value": 1.25},
"weldStrength": {"Value": 360.0, "UnitString": "MPa"}
"weldResult": {
"weldResult": {
"Value": "Wuf",
"Options": ["Section Length (Y)", "Min thickness", "Wuf", "Seqv", "Snormal", "Tparallel", "Tnormal", "Ttotal", "Sparallel", "Sbending", "Sstruct", "Stotal", "Bending ratio", "FX (radial)", "FY (parallel)", "FZ (axial)", "Fsum", "MY (parallel)", "MYutil", "Force angle", "Weld angle"],
"Callbacks": ["validateResult(result,prop)"]
"weldAverage": {"Value": "Element", "Options": ["Element", "Section"]},
"resultLocation": {
"Value": "Throat (Avg)",
"Options": ["Throat (Avg)", "Throat (Max)", "Throat (Face)", "Throat (Mid)", "Throat (Root)", "Leg0 (Avg)", "Leg0 (Max)", "Leg0 (Toe)", "Leg0 (Mid)", "Leg0 (Root)", "Leg1 (Avg)", "Leg1 (Max)", "Leg1 (Toe)", "Leg1 (Mid)", "Leg1 (Root)"],
"Callbacks": ["validateResultLocation(result,prop)"]
"stressType": {"Value": "Absolute Stress", "Options": ["Absolute Stress", "Positive Stress"]},
"timeHist": {"Value": "No", "Options": ["Yes", "No"], "Callbacks": ["setTimeHist(result,prop)"]},
"displayGraph": {"Value": "No", "Options": ["Yes", "No"], "Callbacks": ["validateGraph(result,prop)"]},
"scaleFactor": {"Value": 1.0}
{"Name": "filletWeldStrengthChild",
"Caption": "Weld Strength Child",
"Suppressed": false,
"Tags": [],
"Children": [],
"Group": "",
"section": {
"DefineBy": {"Value": "Geometry Selection", "Options": ["Geometry Selection", "Named Selection"]},
"Value": {
"SelectionType": "GeometryEntities",
"Ids": [],
"Name": ""
"weldResult": {
"parentResult": {"Value": "", "Callbacks": ["validateWeldStrengthResultParent(result,prop)"]},
"weldResult": {
"Value": "Wuf",
"Options": ["Section Length (Y)", "Min thickness", "Wuf", "Seqv", "Snormal", "Tparallel", "Tnormal", "Ttotal", "Sparallel", "Sbending", "Sstruct", "Stotal", "Bending ratio", "FX (radial)", "FY (parallel)", "FZ (axial)", "Fsum", "MY (parallel)", "MYutil", "Force angle", "Weld angle"],
"Callbacks": ["validateResult(result,prop)"]
"weldAverage": {"Value": "Local", "Options": ["Local", "Section", "Group"]},
"timeHist": {"Value": "No", "Options": ["Yes", "No"], "Callbacks": ["setTimeHist(result,prop)"]}
{"Name": "buttWeldStrength",
"Caption": "Butt Weld Strength",
"Suppressed": false,
"Tags": [],
"Children": [],
"Group": "",
"section": {
"DefineBy": {"Value": "Geometry Selection", "Options": ["Geometry Selection", "Named Selection"]},
"Value": {
"SelectionType": "GeometryEntities",
"Ids": [],
"Name": "",
"Callbacks": ["validateSection(result,prop)"]
"geometry": {
"DefineBy": {"Value": "Geometry Selection", "Options": ["Geometry Selection", "Named Selection"]},
"Value": {
"SelectionType": "GeometryEntities",
"Ids": [],
"Name": "",
"Callbacks": ["validateGeometry(result,prop)"]
"weldGeometry": {
"geometrySelect": {"Value": "Manual select", "Callbacks": ["validateGeometrySelect(result,prop)"]},
"type": {
"Value": "Butt weld",
"Options": ["Butt weld", "Butt weld intermittent", "Butt weld Double sided", "Butt weld Double sided intermittent"],
"Callbacks": ["validateWeldType(result,prop)"],
"weldSide": {"Value": "Top", "Options": ["Top", "Bottom"], "Callbacks": ["validateWeldSide(result,prop)"]},
"minThick": {"Value": 3.0, "UnitString": "mm", "Callbacks": ["validateMinThickness(result,prop)"]},
"calcThick": {"Value": "No", "Options": ["Yes", "No"], "Callbacks": ["validateCalcThick(result,prop)"]},
"endOffset": {"Value": 0.0, "UnitString": "mm", "Callbacks": ["validateEndOffset(result,prop)"]},
"intermittent": {"Value": 0.5, "Callbacks": ["validateIntermittent(result,prop)"]}
"weldMaterial": {
"weldCode": {
"Value": "Eurocode 3",
"Callbacks": ["validateWeldCode(result,prop)"],
"steelGrade": {"Value": "S235", "Callbacks": ["validateSteelGrade(result,prop)"]}
"alfaw": {"Value": 0.6},
"betaw": {"Value": 0.8},
"gammaM2": {"Value": 1.25},
"weldStrength": {"Value": 360.0, "UnitString": "MPa"}
"weldResult": {
"weldResult": {
"Value": "Wuf",
"Options": ["Section Length (Y)", "Min thickness", "Wuf", "Seqv", "Snormal", "Tparallel", "Tnormal", "Ttotal", "Sparallel", "Sbending", "Sstruct", "Stotal", "Bending ratio", "FX (radial)", "FY (parallel)", "FZ (axial)", "Fsum", "MY (parallel)", "MYutil", "Force angle", "Weld angle"],
"Callbacks": ["validateResult(result,prop)"]
"weldAverage": {
"Value": "Floating",
"Options": ["Floating", "Segment", "Section (Linear)", "Section (Constant)", "Group"],
"Callbacks": ["validateWeldAverage(result,prop)"],
"floatingFact": {"Value": 0.0},
"segmentLength": {"Value": 0.0, "UnitString": "mm", "Callbacks": ["validateSegmentLength(result,prop)"]}
"resultLocation": {
"Value": "Throat (Avg)",
"Options": ["Throat (Avg)", "Throat (Max)", "Throat (Face)", "Throat (Mid)", "Throat (Root)"],
"Callbacks": ["validateResultLocation(result,prop)"]
"stressType": {"Value": "Absolute Stress", "Options": ["Absolute Stress", "Positive Stress"]},
"timeHist": {"Value": "No", "Options": ["Yes", "No"], "Callbacks": ["setTimeHist(result,prop)"]},
"displayGraph": {"Value": "No", "Options": ["Yes", "No"], "Callbacks": ["validateGraph(result,prop)"]},
"scaleFactor": {"Value": 1.0}
{"Name": "buttWeldStrengthElem",
"Caption": "Butt Weld Strength Shell",
"Suppressed": false,
"Tags": [],
"Children": [],
"Group": "",
"geometry": {
"DefineBy": {"Value": "Geometry Selection", "Options": ["Geometry Selection", "Named Selection"]},
"Value": {
"SelectionType": "GeometryEntities",
"Ids": [],
"Name": "",
"Callbacks": ["validateGeometry(result,prop)"]
"section": {
"DefineBy": {"Value": "Geometry Selection", "Options": ["Geometry Selection", "Named Selection"]},
"Value": {
"SelectionType": "GeometryEntities",
"Ids": [],
"Name": "",
"Callbacks": ["validateSection(result,prop)"]
"weldGeometry": {
"type": {
"Value": "Butt weld",
"Options": ["Butt weld", "Butt weld intermittent", "Butt weld Double sided", "Butt weld Double sided intermittent"],
"Callbacks": ["validateWeldType(result,prop)"],
"weldSide": {"Value": "Top", "Options": ["Top", "Bottom"], "Callbacks": ["validateWeldSide(result,prop)"]},
"minThick": {"Value": 3.0, "UnitString": "mm", "Callbacks": ["validateMinThickness(result,prop)"]},
"calcThick": {"Value": "No", "Options": ["Yes", "No"], "Callbacks": ["validateCalcThick(result,prop)"]},
"intermittent": {"Value": 0.5, "Callbacks": ["validateIntermittent(result,prop)"]}
"weldMaterial": {
"weldCode": {
"Value": "Eurocode 3",
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"DefineBy": {"Value": "Geometry Selection", "Options": ["Geometry Selection", "Named Selection"]},
"Value": {
"SelectionType": "GeometryEntities",
"Ids": [],
"Name": ""
"weldResultGroup": {
"parentResult": {"Value": "", "Callbacks": ["validateWeldFatigueResultParent(result,prop)"]},
"weldResult": {"Value": "Life [N]", "Callbacks": ["validateFatigueResult(result,prop)"]}
{"Name": "groupWeldFatigue",
"Caption": "Bolts Fatigue Child",
"Suppressed": false,
"Tags": [],
"Children": [],
"Group": "",
"geometry": {
"DefineBy": {"Value": "Geometry Selection", "Options": ["Geometry Selection", "Named Selection"]},
"Value": {
"SelectionType": "GeometryEntities",
"Ids": [],
"Name": ""
"weldResultGroup": {
"weldLocation": {"Value": "Node", "Options": ["Node", "Element"], "Callbacks": ["setLocation(result,property)"]},
"loadGroup": {"Value":"Click here to load!", "Callbacks": ["loadGroupResults(result,prop)"]},
"combination": {
"analysisName": [],
"resultObject": []
"weldMaxMin": {"Value": "absMax", "Options": ["absMax", "Max", "Min"]},
"weldResult": {
"Value": "Life [N]",
"Options": ["Life [N]", "log10(Life) [N]", "Damage per block [-]", "Cumulative Damage [-]", "Safety factor life [#blocks]", "Stress range", "Equivalent Stress range", "Safety factor stress [-]", "Stress utilization [-]", "Life quality [-]", "Stress max", "Stress avg", "Stress min"],
"Callbacks": ["validateFatigueResult(result,prop)"]