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weldChild Child Result

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weldChild buttChild Fillet/Butt Weld Strength Child


The “Fillet/Butt Weld Strength Child” result object adds the post processing features to select a parent result object and select a different result item (or time/set number) while keeping all other settings the same as in the parent result.

No new result csv files are written from the child result (since it uses the parent result csv file).



Pre-select a parent object before clicking on the Fillet/Butt Weld Strength Child to automatically set it as the Weld Result Parent.

Inputs to the Fillet/Butt Weld Strength Child are defined in the table below.

Weld Section  
Scoping Method Geometry Selection (Default)/Named Selection
Geometry Select edges/faces to limit contour plot (i).
Weld Result  
Weld Result Parent Select a parent result object from the list (ii).
Result Item Select a result item to display. (Default “Wuf”) (iii)
Result averaging Local (Default)/Section/Group (iv)
Calculate Time History Yes/No (Default)
By Time (Default)/Result Set/Maximum Over Time/Time Of Maximum. Standard Mechanical feature (v).
Display Time Load step time for results evaluation (vi).

(i) Geometry

To limit post processing to specific locations in the group edit the geometry scoping. The node/element numbers from the selected parent object will be compared with the numbers in the selection and results will only be plotted for items that are scooped in the selection.

(ii) Parent Result

To avoid duplicate names the result Id number is appended to the name. The scoping of the child is automatically set when selection the parent in the list. If the scoping of the parent is changed then edit the scoping or switch between two parent results in the Weld Result Parent list.

(iii) Result Item

The available Result Item depends on the selected Parent Result and the parent Code.
If a parent result property is changed without clearing the result object first the child results is not cleared. You must manually re-evaluate the child result to see any changes.

(iv) Result averaging

Result averaging can be “Local” i.e. “Element/Floating/Segment” or “Section” or “Group”. If the parent result was evaluated using “Segment” then the child will also display average as “Segment” if selecting “Local”. Averaging “Section” or “Group” can be selected even if the parent object is evaluated using e.g. “Segment”.

(v) By

You may use Maximum Over Time to get the worst case from all steps if all result steps are evaluated from the “Parent” result with “Calculate Time History = Yes”. In addition, the Graph displays the time history of min and max for the selected result.

(vi) Display Time

You may only use time steps where there are results saved, see the graph and tabular data window for load steps to use.

Child Fatigue Child


A “Fatigue Child” result lets you plot different Result Items from a parent fatigue object without the need for re-evaluation, e.g. for “Hot-Spot” or “Linearized method”.

The child does not create any output csv file since it uses the parent csv file.

When evaluating all results, the child results are evaluated after the parent to make sure the updated parent result file is used.

If the parent object is cleared the child is also automatically cleared.



Pre-select a parent object before clicking on the Fatigue Child to automatically set it as the Weld Result Parent.

The scoping of the child is automatically set when selection the parent in the list. The scoping can be modified, e.g. to un-select or update parts of the scoping.

Inputs to the Fatigue Child are defined in the table below.

Scoping Method All Bodies (Default)/Geometry Selection/Named Selection
Geometry Select edges/faces/bodies to limit contour plot (i).
Fatigue Result  
Weld Result Parent Select a parent result object from the list (ii).
Result Item Select a result item to display. (Default “Life [N]”)
By Time (Default)
Display Time Load step time for deformed shape. Does note influence the result.

(i) Geometry

To limit post processing to specific locations in the group edit the geometry scoping. The node/element numbers from the selected parent object will be compared with the numbers in the selection and results will only be plotted for items that are scooped in the selection.

(ii) Parent Result

To avoid duplicate names the result Id number is appended to the name.