Split Contact

Original Contact Region includes 4 Contact Faces and 1 Target Face. Transparent Transparent Select a Contact Region in the Tree. Run the script to split contact and suppress the original. Transparent Transparent

from Ansys.UI.Toolkit import *
ConnectionsObject = Model.Connections
ContactRegion = Tree.FirstActiveObject
ContactScoping = ContactRegion.SourceLocation
TargetScoping = ContactRegion.TargetLocation
ContactIDS = ContactScoping.Ids
TargetIDS = TargetScoping.Ids
GroupContacts = list()
if ContactIDS.Count > 1 and TargetIDS.Count > 1: print MessageBox.Show("Not Supported. One side (Contact or Target) must count to exactly 1 scoped entity.")
if ContactIDS.Count > TargetIDS.Count:
    TargetID = TargetIDS[0]
    TargetSelection = ExtAPI.SelectionManager.CreateSelectionInfo(SelectionTypeEnum.GeometryEntities)
    TargetSelection.Ids = [TargetID]
    counter = 1
    for ContactID in ContactIDS:
        NewSelection = ExtAPI.SelectionManager.CreateSelectionInfo(SelectionTypeEnum.GeometryEntities)
        NewSelection.Ids = [ContactID]
        if counter == 1: 
            NewContactRegion = ConnectionsObject.AddContactRegion()
            NewConnectionsGroup = NewContactRegion.Parent
            counter += 1
        else: NewContactRegion = NewConnectionsGroup.AddContactRegion() 
        NewContactRegion.SourceLocation = NewSelection
        NewContactRegion.TargetLocation = TargetSelection
    ContactID = ContactIDS[0]
    ContactSelection = ExtAPI.SelectionManager.CreateSelectionInfo(SelectionTypeEnum.GeometryEntities)
    ContactSelection.Ids = [ContactID]
    counter = 1
    for TargetID in TargetIDS:
        NewSelection = ExtAPI.SelectionManager.CreateSelectionInfo(SelectionTypeEnum.GeometryEntities)
        NewSelection.Ids = [TargetID]
        if counter == 1: 
            NewContactRegion = ConnectionsObject.AddContactRegion()
            NewConnectionsGroup = NewContactRegion.Parent
            counter += 1
        else: NewContactRegion = NewConnectionsGroup.AddContactRegion() 
        NewContactRegion.TargetLocation = NewSelection
        NewContactRegion.SourceLocation = ContactSelection
NewConnectionsGroup.Name = str(ContactRegion.Name) + " splitted into " + str(GroupContacts.Count) + " contacts"
ContactRegion.Suppressed = True