Filter Chart Beam Probe
Chart scoped to 40 beams.
Uncomment (remove #) from desired beam chart probe result that you want to view. Select the Chart Object in the Tree and run the script.
Script excecution time: 0.2s
def displayAxialForces(chartObject):
with Transaction():
for child in chartObject.VisibleProperties:
if 'Axial Force' in child.Caption: child.InternalValue = 'Display'
try: child.InternalValue = 'Omit'
except: pass
def displayTorque(chartObject):
with Transaction():
for child in chartObject.VisibleProperties:
if 'Torque' in child.Caption: child.InternalValue = 'Display'
try: child.InternalValue = 'Omit'
except: pass
def displayShearForceAtI(chartObject):
with Transaction():
for child in chartObject.VisibleProperties:
if 'Shear Force At I' in child.Caption: child.InternalValue = 'Display'
try: child.InternalValue = 'Omit'
except: pass
def displayShearForceAtJ(chartObject):
with Transaction():
for child in chartObject.VisibleProperties:
if 'Shear Force At J' in child.Caption: child.InternalValue = 'Display'
try: child.InternalValue = 'Omit'
except: pass
def displayMomentAtI(chartObject):
with Transaction():
for child in chartObject.VisibleProperties:
if 'Moment At I' in child.Caption: child.InternalValue = 'Display'
try: child.InternalValue = 'Omit'
except: pass
def displayMomentAtJ(chartObject):
with Transaction():
for child in chartObject.VisibleProperties:
if 'Moment At J' in child.Caption: child.InternalValue = 'Display'
try: child.InternalValue = 'Omit'
except: pass
def displayAll(chartObject):
with Transaction():
for child in chartObject.VisibleProperties:
if 'Probe' in child.Name: child.InternalValue = 'Display'
try: child.InternalValue = 'Display'
except: pass
def omitAll(chartObject):
with Transaction():
for child in chartObject.VisibleProperties:
if 'Probe' in child.Name: child.InternalValue = 'Omit'
try: child.InternalValue = 'Omit'
except: pass
import time
start = time.time()
ChartSelectedInTree = Tree.FirstActiveObject
#Uncomment (remove #) from the result you want to view.
#In this example, we display Axial Force, everything else is set to "Dispaly = Omit".
print(time.time() - start)